Thursday, 31 March 2016

Healthy Nutrition Action with the Younger ones in AES-PORTUGAL


On 22 April 2016 at the Basic School auditorium Tourais / Paranhos – Seia Group of Schools it was held the session Training Action entitled "The Power of Food", addressed to Parents / Guardians, organized by the teacher Dulce Vicente, the nutritionist Rita Pires and the nurse Duarte Marvanejo (UCC Seia Health Centre) under the Project Promotion and Health Education and PEACE Program (Food Education in School Community).

The session began with the participation of students through several presentations.
First,the presentation of the song "The Heroes of Fruit" by the students  Luz Alvo, Jonas Andrade, Diogo Amaro, Martim Amaral and Clara Pereira from the Kindergarten-Tourais;

Then there was Poetry recitation by two students Beatriz Pais of Class A and João Pais of Class C from the 1st cycle; Next we were delighted with the voices of Miriam Melo, Diana Lopes and Vanessa Duarte of Class B who sang a song;
 Finally several proverbs were said by Mª Carolina Amaral and Rafael Rodrigues from Class E.

Parents / Guardians present expressed themselves very satisfied with their participation in the activity, in which they acquired knowledge and exchanged experiences in this session that fundamentally addressed eating behaviors.
The Teacher Dulce Vicente, responsible for The Project  Promotion and Health Education appreciatedthe presence and participation of all Parents / Guardians who actively participated and the collaboration of the educator Maria de Fatima Miragaia and Silvia Couto- Operational Assistant from the Kindergarten- Tourais and 1st Cycle teachers Mª Augusta Pinheiro, José Alberto Silva, Rui Modesto and Dalila Brito.

Bread and cereals
Orange or apple
I eat every day
At night and morning

Milk and diary
I like them too
At lunch and dinner
Water we should drink

Rice, potatoes and pasta
Vegetables and salad
We should have 
In a well balanced diet

To end 
It's good not to forget
Sweets in excess
We can't get
(Beatriz Pais- Student / Susana Pais (mother) 

 On April 26, the Class 5 ° C of the  School Tourais- Paranhos, Agrupamento de Escolas de Seia, attended a training session on "Energy Drinks" supported by the  nurses Aurea and Isabel Cruz of the Health Centre in Seia.
     They began the session by questioning the students about the drinks they knew. Surprisingly, some students mentioned some energy drinks. Nurses took the examples to inform about the composition of drinks; energy and health drinks. They insisted that the carbonated and energy drinks are made with ingredients that later cause harm to health, such as diabetes, overweight, tooth decay ... The Consumption of these beverages in their age in  a daily basis causes addiction in young people, with long term effects, making them anxious and nervous adults.
     This session was extremely important because students become aware of the bad eating habits through information provided by the technicians

Teacher- Alexandra Coelho