Monday, 29 February 2016

Wednesday, 24 February 2016


 is pleased to invite teachers and students from all partner schools of the project

Activity & Eating: Small Steps to a Healthier You’ to participate in the first short-term exchange of pupils  that will take place from 29th February to 4th March 2016.

                                                     CLICK THE LINK TO DOWNLOAD THE PROGRAMME 

The meeting will soon begin  . . . .
It's been six months since the start of our project activities. 
Time for a brief mid-year summary 
See how step by step we are getting closer to HEALTHIER US ! ! ! 

Tuesday, 16 February 2016


Love your Heart


A Step to celebrate St.Valentine's Day.

This was the theme for the activity this month that took place in the Secondary School of Seia on the 12th during the morning. 

The day began with an aroma of fruit and vegetables, which contributed to strengthen the second breakfast of our students, giving them thus more energy and vitality.

Cooking with the heart for a Healthy Heart
Whether we have much or little time to cook what is truly important is being aware that you can make quick and healthy meals by following simple tricks and giving "wings" to creativity. In implementing this activity we have the pleasure to cook and eat colorful meals, full of flavor, taste and health. At the same time, we take the food, we feel its texture, its smell and taste, and from the senses and the imagination create a plate of food, full of nutrients! It is undoubtedly an art. Instead of salt, we used the dried and fresh herbs. We tried the ginger, but others gave their aroma, including, cinnamon, saffron, turmeric, ginger, nutmeg, coriander, oregano ...
Abuse eating vegetables and greens: watercress, zucchini, carrots, spinach, lettuce, rúcula , onions, red peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms ... fresh fruits such as apple, pear, banana, orange, strawberry....
We tried dried fruits: pumpkin seeds, plums, almonds, nuts, adding flavor as well as nutrients that promote good health.
Food in a balanced way has many benefits.
Practicing physical exercise is the cherry in the center of your heart. So the students of class 12ºJ danced and gave rhythm all the morning entertaining the school community. 
As St. Valentine’s Day was close students wrote love messages inspired by the food.

Food is Love!
Food combines with love and love combines with Heart.

oi este o tema da atividade deste mês de fevereiro que teve lugar na Escola Secundária de Seia no dia 12 durante o período da manhã. 
O dia começou com um aroma a fruta e vegetais, o que contribuiu para reforçar o segundo pequeno-almoço dos nossos alunos, dando-lhes, assim, mais energia e vitalidade.

Cozinhar com o coração para um coração saudável
Não importa se temos muito ou pouco tempo para cozinhar. O que é deveras importante é consciencializarmo-nos de que é possível fazer refeições rápidas e saudáveis, seguindo truques simples e dando “asas” à criatividade. Nesta amostra pudemos ter o prazer de cozinhar e consumir refeições coloridas, cheias de aromas, sabor e saúde. Ao mesmo tempo, pegamos nos alimentos, sentimos a sua textura, o seu cheiro e sabor e, a partir dos sentidos e da imaginação, criamos um prato de comida, pleno de nutrientes! É, sem dúvida, uma arte que poucos conhecem porque não ousam experimentar um contacto com os alimentos.

Em vez de sal, recorremos a ervas aromáticas secas e frescas. Experimentámos o gengibre, mas outras deram o seu aroma, entre as quais, canela, açafrão, …

Abusamos das verduras e legumes: agrião, courgette, cenoura, espinafre, alface, rúcula, cebola, pimentos vermelhos, tomate, cogumelos… Ainda saboreamos  
 frutas frescas, como maça, pera, banana, laranja, morango

Provámos Frutos secos: pevides de abóbora, ameixa, amêndoa, nozes, tâmaras entre outros acrescentam sabor, assim como nutrientes, que promovem a boa saúde.
Alimentar-se de forma equilibrada tem muitos benefícios.

Movimentar-se é a cereja no centro do seu coração. Assim os alunos do 12ºJ contagiaram e deram ritmo com os seus números de zumba.

Mensagens de afeto e inspiradas nos alimentos fizeram parte da decoração e manifestação da comunidade escolar

Comida é Amor

Comida combina com amor.....

e amor combina com Coração.

Obrigado por participarem.

February - Heart & High Blood Pressure Education Month

February is Heart & High Blood Pressure Education Month

While most of us tend to think about hearts in the romantic sense this month we encourage you to focus on our physical hearts as well.
With the change in lifestyle, one can easily conquer the problem of heart disease. Some of the important reasons of heart disease include unhealthy diet, lack of physical activities, stress, drinking alcohol and smoking.



Strengthen your heart by choosing heart-friendly food items. 

Monday, 15 February 2016

Health Month Themes for a Year of Wellness

      During the entire year 2016, each month we will be accompanied by another HEALTH THEME.

Health Months Themes  will cover a wide range of different types of actions. They will be largely interdisciplinary tasks . These actions will involve teachers of different subjects (physical education, biology , geography, art classes , computer science, national and foreign languages and others). The use of integrated knowledge and skills will be a valuable added value of the project. Monthly thematic series will also bring the opportunity to work with a number of institutions and guests of the project such as  nutritionists , trainers of different sports , personal trainers, fitness instructors, doctors , nurses, explorers , naturalists , etc. (DEPENDS ON EACH SCHOOL) 
It will be a good way to increase the popularity and awareness of the project priorities among all students of partner schools.

Thursday, 11 February 2016


                Time to RE-START your healthy lifestyle.

    We have diagnosed the problems relating to your activity.

Please study the results of ACTIVITY AND RECREATION survey.

                                                                        CLICK HERE TO SEE THE RESULTS

  • Most of the surveyed students spend leisure time passively watching television or using a computer.
  • More than 60 percent of the respondents did not participate in any additional after school sport classes.
  • Doing sport takes an average of 3-5 hours a week, which gives about 25-40 minutes of daily physical activity.
  • The most popular sports are team sports, jogging and cycling.
  • More than half of the surveyed teenagers spend their holidays at home, where the most popular active pastime is walking and going shopping.
  • The vast majority of respondents declare their willingness to take more physical activity in their free time.

Think about the proper balancing the daily physical activity.


  Get ready for a new challenge.

Time to face the main task of the project  . . . 

Wednesday, 10 February 2016


The areas for eating habits improvement have been selected.

The following charts illustrate the questions where the results seem to be alarming.


The results of the survey revealed several areas for eating habits improvement. 

Eat regularly five meals a day. REMEMBER each day try to include a wide selection of foods from all of the food groups:

  1. Milk + Milk Products           
  2. Vegetables 
  3. Fruits                                     
  4. Grains
  5. Meat + Beans                   




                                 Try not to snack between meals.

As the snacks are important for children and they snack on average three times a day, accounting for almost 1/3 of their daily calories.  WE ENCOURAGE YOU to resign from unhealthy snacks and drinks. Reach for kid-friendly healthy snack & drinks recipes. Think of snacks as mini-well balanced meals.


Eat more fish.

The nutritionists recommend eating fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids like tuna and salmon twice a week. Omega-3s are associated with all kinds of health benefits from warding off depression to reducing inflammation and the risk of heart disease.


Eat more vegetables !!! 

Don’t forget about fruits !!! 

Eating Vegetables Provides Health Benefits.

The nutrients in vegetables are vital for health and maintenance of your body.
Eating a diet rich in vegetables may reduce risk for stroke, cancer, heart diseases and type-2 diabetes.
One to five portions of vegetables are recommended each day, depending on how many calories you need.