Love your Heart
A Step to celebrate St.Valentine's Day.
This was the theme for the activity this month that took place in the Secondary School of Seia on the 12th during the morning.
The day began with an aroma of fruit and vegetables, which contributed to strengthen the second breakfast of our students, giving them thus more energy and vitality.
Cooking with the heart for a Healthy Heart
Whether we have much or little time to cook what is truly important is being aware that you can make quick and healthy meals by following simple tricks and giving "wings" to creativity. In implementing this activity we have the pleasure to cook and eat colorful meals, full of flavor, taste and health. At the same time, we take the food, we feel its texture, its smell and taste, and from the senses and the imagination create a plate of food, full of nutrients! It is undoubtedly an art. Instead of salt, we used the dried and fresh herbs. We tried the ginger, but others gave their aroma, including, cinnamon, saffron, turmeric, ginger, nutmeg, coriander, oregano ...
Abuse eating vegetables and greens: watercress, zucchini, carrots, spinach, lettuce, rúcula , onions, red peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms ... fresh fruits such as apple, pear, banana, orange, strawberry....
We tried dried fruits: pumpkin seeds, plums, almonds, nuts, adding flavor as well as nutrients that promote good health.
Food in a balanced way has many benefits.
Practicing physical exercise is the cherry in the center of your heart. So the students of class 12ºJ danced and gave rhythm all the morning entertaining the school community.
As St. Valentine’s Day was close students wrote love messages inspired by the food.
Food is Love!
Food combines with love and love combines with Heart.
oi este o tema da atividade deste mês de fevereiro que teve lugar na Escola Secundária de Seia no dia 12 durante o período da manhã.
O dia começou com um aroma a fruta e vegetais, o que contribuiu
para reforçar o segundo pequeno-almoço dos nossos alunos, dando-lhes, assim,
mais energia e vitalidade.
Cozinhar com o coração para um
coração saudável
Em vez de sal, recorremos a
ervas aromáticas secas e frescas. Experimentámos o gengibre, mas outras deram o
seu aroma, entre as quais, canela, açafrão, …
Abusamos das verduras e legumes: agrião, courgette, cenoura,
espinafre, alface, rúcula, cebola, pimentos vermelhos, tomate, cogumelos… Ainda
frutas frescas, como maça,
pera, banana, laranja, morango
Provámos Frutos
secos: pevides de abóbora, ameixa, amêndoa, nozes, tâmaras entre outros acrescentam
sabor, assim como nutrientes, que promovem a boa saúde.
Alimentar-se de forma equilibrada
tem muitos benefícios.
é a cereja no centro do seu coração. Assim os alunos do 12ºJ contagiaram e
deram ritmo com os seus números de zumba.
e amor combina com Coração.
por participarem.